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Featured Article: Adviseable Property News

Property News by Kate Hill of Adviseable  – A Hotspotting Partner

This video features Kate’s jam-packed news update on all things property and real estate.

Don’t listen to media hype, drama and clickbait.

In these unprecedented times it’s important to stay up to date with what’s actually happening out there in the property markets and listen to the people at the coal face of property.

Adviseable is at the forefront of the action every single day.


  • Sydney’s vacancy rates for investors : minute 1.10
  • The status of national rental stock : minute 2.40
  • The Melbourne property market in COVID 19 : minute 4.40
  • A finance update : minute 6.04

Adviseable are the Buyers Agency and experienced Qualified Property Investment Advisers with the personal touch. Licensed in multiple states Adviseable’s approach is to stand for their client first, area second and property third. 100% independent while helping clients build wealth and secure their financial future. For more information visit | Call 1300 077 766 |


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