Finding tomorrow’s hot property, TODAY

Great property investments can be defined in different ways. Here’s a definition that will resonate with many investors:-

A long-term lease to an international tenant, a high net rental yield and potential for capital growth from a property that occupies a large block in a high-profile location.

It’s credentials like those that make service station properties so highly sought by investors who understand the fundamental benefits of commercial property.

The 31 July webinar will cover not-to-be-missed content including the following topics:-

Real Estate Investing for reliable Income + Capital Growth Residential v Commercial property – Pro’s and Con’s Accessible Commercial Property Investing – Syndicated Ownership Amplify Fuel & Convenience Trust The future of Fuel & Convenience Centres (Service Stations)

Rossi says service station properties are among the most compelling for multiple reasons, which include …

Long leases to international brands (including Caltex, BP and Coles Express). Locked-in rental increases Goodwill and geographic necessity High barriers to entry

Steve Palise, a member of Hotspotting’s Panel of Partners, says notwithstanding the gradual rise of electric cars, petrol stations will still be in huge demand until 2040-2050 especially highway sites and in country areas.

“Trucking and logistics technology is not there yet so major arterial roads will still require petrol stations even longer than this,” he says.

“Over time there will be a phase of converting petrol stations to a blend of food, entertainment, customer experience, co-working, and fitness.”

Join Terry Ryder, Steve Palise and Peter Rossi for a live discussion on 31 July that may change the way you think about property investment.

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FREE Webinar – Finding The Good News In Interest Rate Rises

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It’s difficult for consumers to gain any understanding of the consequences of interest rate rises for mortgage repayments and for property prices.

On Wednesday 1 June we will inject some sanity into the debate when award-winning mortgage broker Louise Lucas of the Property Education Company joins Hotspotting founder Terry Ryder for a not-to-be-missed webinar.

They will discuss how, in one sense, rising interest rates represent good news for Australia. The Reserve Bank doesn’t lift the official rate unless the economy is pumping strongly and real estate is booming.

On 1 June, mortgage expert Louise Lucas will explain what this means.

And for those who do get into difficulty with their payments, there are a number of options to make their lives easier. Louise will explain how.

Terry and Louise will also debate the likely outcome for property prices in an era of increasing mortgage rates. They will discuss the reality that prices rose substantially in previous periods of rising interest rates. This is information everyone interested in real estate needs to hear.

So register now and tune in on 1 June to hear this timely discussion between two of Australia’s leading analysts.

Third event name

It’s difficult for consumers to gain any understanding of the consequences of interest rate rises for mortgage repayments and for property prices.

On Wednesday 1 June we will inject some sanity into the debate when award-winning mortgage broker Louise Lucas of the Property Education Company joins Hotspotting founder Terry Ryder for a not-to-be-missed webinar.

They will discuss how, in one sense, rising interest rates represent good news for Australia. The Reserve Bank doesn’t lift the official rate unless the economy is pumping strongly and real estate is booming.

On 1 June, mortgage expert Louise Lucas will explain what this means.

And for those who do get into difficulty with their payments, there are a number of options to make their lives easier. Louise will explain how.

Terry and Louise will also debate the likely outcome for property prices in an era of increasing mortgage rates. They will discuss the reality that prices rose substantially in previous periods of rising interest rates. This is information everyone interested in real estate needs to hear.

So register now and tune in on 1 June to hear this timely discussion between two of Australia’s leading analysts.

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