Finding tomorrow’s hot property, TODAY


Below are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we get asked


Q: What is Hotspotting? Hotspotting is a real estate analysis and research website that helps buyers and investors identify areas in Australia likely to out-perform the general market on capital growth.


Q: How does Hotspotting work? We gather extensive data and conduct thorough analysis of various factors such as economic trends, infrastructure developments, population growth and housing market performance to identify areas with strong growth potential. This information is presented in easy-to-understand reports as well as through regular webinars, podcasts and mentoring sessions.


Q: What kind of data does Hotspotting use? We use a combination of official government statistics, industry reports and our own proprietary formulas to build a comprehensive understanding of Australian property markets. 


Q: How accurate is the information on Hotspotting? We take great care to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our data and analysis. However, we always recommend conducting your own due diligence and seeking professional advice before making any property investment decisions. 


Q: How often is the data on Hotspotting updated? Our data is regularly updated to reflect any changes in the market or economic conditions. We conduct daily research to gather the latest information, so we can provide our users with the most recent and relevant information to support their property investment decisions. 


Q: Can I access Hotspotting on my mobile device? Yes, our website and members portal are mobile-friendly and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection. 


Q: Do I need to pay to use Hotspotting? Our website offers both free and paid features. We offer regular free webinars and video content to keep our subscribers informed of the latest real estate and finance news. For those looking for more in-depth information, we offer 4 different levels of membership starting from $299 per year. See for more information.


Q: Who can benefit from using Hotspotting? Hotspotting is beneficial for anyone considering a purchase or the sale of a piece of real estate within Australia, as well as professionals providing services to the property industry. This could include first-home buyers, home-owners looking to sell or buy, and novice property investors – through to property professionals and developers.


Q: Can I search for specific areas on Hotspotting? Yes, our members portal allows you to search for specific suburbs, towns, or regions in Australia and view their historic performance, as well as key information on individual properties nationwide. We also offer Hotspotting reports available for purchase individually or through a membership that covers 120+ Local Government Areas throughout Australia.


Q: Is Hotspotting only for Australian properties? Yes, our website focuses solely on the Australian residential property market. However, we offer reports and analysis for all states and territories in the country. 


Q: Can I save and download reports from Hotspotting? Yes, if you purchase a report, you can download and save it to your device. Please note: our reports are protected by copyright and can not be printed or distributed without consent from Hotspotting.


Q: Can I put my own logo on a Hotspotting report and share it with my clients? We offer Custom Reports which are Co-Branded and stripped of copyright which allows you to freely distribute the reports as you wish. This is strictly only available to Co-Branded reports. You can find more information on this here:


Q: Do you offer a free trial so I can see inside the members portal before purchasing?

We do not offer a free trial, but our team would be more than happy to show you inside the portal where you can ask any questions and look at any reports before committing to purchase. Book a demo here



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