Finding tomorrow’s hot property, TODAY

Beyond The Headlines: How To Invest With Confidence In Any Economic Climate with Terry Ryder

Enjoyed my chat on The Investor Lab podcast recently about why you need to look past the mainstream news headlines.

Episode Highlights:
-News headlines are misleading and at times, dishonest
-Fact-based journalism replaced by clickbait, sensational negativity
-Real estate is resilient despite what media says
-Mortgage freezes are not as prevalent
-The simple formula for deciding where to buy properties
-The strong elements of finding a property hotspot
-Looking at regional areas vs. capital areas
-Infrastructure spending is the clue to finding future hotspots
-A-grade doesn’t mean expensive: Blue chip or blue collar?
-How Adelaide became the new ‘Silicon Valley of Australia’
-Will a decentralized workforce drive the decentralized growth of cities?
-Cash flow vs. capital growth in building a property portfolio
-The herd mentality is bad for property investment
-You have to spend money to make money
-Fundamentals of Real Estate don’t change regardless of election outcome



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