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The impact of the pandemic on property markets across Australia

This Winter 2020 edition of the Price Predictor Index reflects the impact of the pandemic on property markets across Australia, including the outcomes for sales volumes and for prices. We have seen a decline in sales activity in some markets while others have maintained their previous levels of property sales, or close to them.

Prices overall have shown considerable resilience during the pandemic: the data from regular sources of price information, like SQM Research and CoreLogic, shows most major markets across Australia have maintained their value levels or recorded small increases, although there is evidence of decline in some parts of the Sydney and Melbourne markets. In some cases, it depends on which data source you use. The different data sources have conflicting information on the Sydney market, for example.

Overall, the Winter 2020 edition shows that some markets have been negatively impacted by Covid-19 while others have continued to show strength.

The Price Predictor Index analyses sales in every Australian suburb or town. It finds the growth patterns – the places that will soon show price growth. It also finds markets that are going backwards – the ones to avoid.
All this is analysed and presented in a report that covers the key markets in every state and the ACT.

We also present the best performers in easy-to-read short features:

  • the Five Star Growth Suburbs;
  • the National Top 50 suburbs;
  • the National Top 10 municipalities with multiple growth markets;
  • the Nation’s 50 Most Consistent Markets;

If you try to do this yourself, the raw data will cost $3,000 (per quarter) and weeks or months of your time analysing the figures.

Our report costs $187 and only the time it takes to read the report. We’ve done all the work and made it incredibly easy for you.

Price Predictor Index Winter 2020


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