Finding tomorrow’s hot property, TODAY

The Psychology of Property Investing & Finance How to Make Smarter Decisions

How do you approach property investing and money matters? Do you have a disciplined approach and stay on course despite the ups and downs in the economy? Or do you jump from one idea to another depending on how you feel?
In this unique webinar we will examine the psychology of investment decisions and discover ways you can make much smarter decisions by being aware of the way you interpret information and are influence by emotional factors.
In this webinar we will unpack the science behind good decision making and look at:

  • What motivates you to take action?
  • How can you overcome investment fears and negativity?
  • How should property investors set realistic goals?
  • How can you avoid emotional decision making?
  • I’m on board, but how do I get my partner to invest with me?
  • Do you suffer from perception bias when looking at property data?
  • What is the best way to approach property investing in order to create a cashflow positive
  • portfolio?
  • I’m keen to move forward but the bank is not budging – what next with lending?

These are just some of the questions discussed in this webinar. We will also provided a brief property market update and looked at ways you can get your property plans on track with the right mindset. Developing a clear financial plan and defined property strategy is what sets successful investors apart.
DON’T MISS OUT on your opportunity to tweak your plan and gain valuable insights into investing.


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