Demand for Queensland real estate from interstate buyers have never been higher, as more and more people seek out homes in areas that provide lifestyle at affordable prices.
Residents of our biggest cities look at the price of homes similar to theirs in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Rockhampton, Hervey Bay, Bundaberg and the Whitsundays and do the sums in their heads.
They could sell their home in Melbourne or Sydney, move to Queensland, buy a home of similar standard at half the price or less, and have lots left over to provide an enviable lifestyle.
The ability to work remotely has made dreams like this reality for many Australians.
Queensland has been targeted for its affordability and lifestyle, and is the No.1 state for population growth through internal migration, by a big margin.
Investors are also focusing on Queensland because, in addition to its lifestyle attractions, it also offers good rental yields and strong prospects for capital growth.
This week we have published our new editions of the Top 5 reports for Queensland.
This features our top picks for Queensland locations that provide an attractive level of affordability, the kind of lifestyle people are seeking in the current dominant trend, strong local economies which are creating jobs, and good prospects for future growth.
We have also published our new Top 5 Brisbane Hotspots report, at a time when the Brisbane market continues to produce results in difficult circumstances.
As one example of the remarkable resilience of the Brisbane market, auction clearance rates have been above 70% in the past two weekends, despite the impact of the weather events.
And it’s good to keep in mind that less then 2% of homes in the Greater Brisbane Area have been impacted by the flood.
There’s enormous momentum underpinning the Brisbane market and we expect it to recover quickly, boosted by the construction boom that always follows major events like this – and the inevitability that rents and building costs will rise strongly in the current environment.