The deadline for Australians waiting for their homes to be constructed under the HomeBuilder scheme has been extended.
The deadline for lodging paperwork to be eligible for the $25,000 HomeBuilder Grant, was April 30.
That has been extended to 30th June 2025, amid concerns that construction and materials delays could mean some applicants would not be able to meet the earlier deadline.
Trades and supply shortages throughout Australia during Covid meant many who thought they would be living in those homes by now, are still waiting for work to start.
UDIA national president Maxwell Shifman says in Queensland about 215 HomeBuilder applicants of the 1365 which bought off-the-plan contracts were at risk of missing the earlier deadline.
“Without this decision, ordinary Australians, through no fault of their own, were in danger of losing not only their HomeBuilder grant but also their home deposits, which have taken them years to save – putting them in a worse situation than before the pandemic,” he says.