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Push To Rewire Aussie Homes

Push To Rewire Aussie HomesEnvironmental groups are calling on the Federal Government to help fund the rewiring of thousands of Australian homes to move them away from gas.

Rewiring Australia says $2.5 billion is needed over five years to change 500,000 homes.

It says changing from gas to electricity will slash average household energy bills by between $3000 and $5000 a year.

Rewiring Australia executive director Dan Cass says household electrification is sound economic policy and vital climate policy.

But Tas Gas chief executive Phaedra Deckart warns even with funding it’s a big ask.

She says most households will struggle to afford to do it on their own as it could cost between $5,000 and $15,000 to remove gas appliances and replace them with electrical ones.

Rewiring Australia says the funding would provide concessional loans to electrify households and businesses.

“There are a whole basket of technologies that, like solar, are worth investing in because they have a return on investment that is positive,” Cass says.


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