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$299.00 incl. GST

Cheapies with Prospects Bundle

The Cheapies with Prospects are the Ugly Ducklings of city real estate, with strong potential for capital growth. Like the fairytale character, they may be initially undervalued, but can develop into valuable assets over time.

Affordable properties in regional Australia are attracting buyers seeking affordable alternatives to costly cities. Strong markets include cheaper capitals, budget-friendly options in cities, and regions with affordability and lifestyle.

Media reports may claim otherwise, but many regional locations offer solid properties in the $200,000s-$400,000s with potential for growth. Some have outperformed cities in the past 5 years. 5 chosen regions have unique features like growing economies, diverse industries, and major developments, making them promising for investors.

With good infrastructure and growing populations, these regions offer a bright future for property investors.

But here’s the key factor: for investors it’s not just about buying something cheap with a good rental return so that can cover the owner’s costs.

It needs to be in a location with the credentials for good capital growth.

Generally, there are still good options out there but it’s still important to do your research and not to just jump on the first property you can afford.

So this month, we have published our new Cheapies Bundle.

This comprises the two reports which together offer 10 locations across Australia that offer both affordability and the basic credentials for capital growth.

So get yourself this Bundle of two reports that provide valuable clues on how to buy affordably and sensibly in markets that are still going strong.

Save $75 by purchasing the bundle – Individual reports are $187 each.

$299.00 incl. GSTAdd to cart

Frequently Purchased With These Reports


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