April 2020
The good news bulletin – 28th April
As restrictions start to ease around Australia, there’s plenty of good news emerging day by day for the economy and for real estate.
The good news bulletin for Thursday 23 April
There’s been plenty of positive news emerge in the past 24 hours – here are the highlights.
Live Q & A with Terry Ryder April 2020
There’s never been a time when I’ve fielded so many questions from real estate consumers. Amid times without precedent, many Australians are seeking answers to urgent questions about the direction of real estate markets. I’ve answered many of these through webinars and social media in recent weeks, but with circumstances changing on a daily basis
In conversation Terry Ryder and Tony Abboud
I’ve had a great conversation with Tony Abboud of Snowden Parkes Real Estate about the core principles of property investment and about the Sydney market and its prospects as we contemplate life beyond the virus shutdown.
Today’s edition of the good news broadcast – 20th April
Positive news continues to come from around the nation, as we get closer to a lifting of the current restrictions.
Today’s edition of the good news broadcast – 20th April Read More »
Price Predictor Index – Autumn Edition
Researching and writing each edition of the Price Predictor Index typically extends over two months – and while we were putting together this Autumn 2020 edition, life changed dramatically. In considering this edition of The Price Predictor Index, please keep in mind that it primarily describes real estate markets before the full impact of the