Finding tomorrow’s hot property, TODAY

Mentoring Program

Mentoring with Terry Ryder and Tim Graham

And for those of you working on growing your property investment portfolio or your property business we offer in-depth one-to-one mentoring.In our Mentoring Program we meet on a weekly basis over a period of 3-4 months - perhaps longer - and develop a clear and practical strategy to help you reach your goals as a property investor or property professional.The mentoring program is a valuable tool for serious investors or for property professionals wanting to develop their business goals and strategies. Gain feedback on locations, investment strategy, business development ideas, marketing ideas or benefit from Terry’s connections with other expert providers.There are a limited number of spots in our mentoring program at any one time.The Mentoring Program includes - - Exclusive access to Terry Ryder or Tim Graham (via text or email) plus phone or video consultations each month. - Access to all Hotspotting reports and resources - normally only available to Premium Members.-  Assistance for Property Investors
  • Assistance in developing goals and strategies.
  • Assistance in deciding the type of property to buy.
  • Assistance in finding good locations with good prospects for growth.
  • Feedback on properties under consideration for purchase.
  • Referral to expert providers of other services, as required.
 - Assistance for Property Professionals
  • Developing business goals and strategies.
  • Finding research tools and strategies that help you help your clients.
  • Identifying the best locations for investment.
  • Marketing ideas for the business.
  • Topics and promotional ideas for podcasts and webinars.
Email our team here if you are interested in applying for a position within our mentoring program.
*Minimum commitment of three months required. The following services are NOT provided within our mentoring program – financial analysis of properties, selection or shortlisting of prospective properties, management of client portfolios.

"Dear Terry, I can’t tell you just how grateful I have been for all your advice and wisdom over all these years. You have always been so generous with your time and readily available. I am so appreciative for it all."

Thanks Jacqui

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