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Quick Start Guide to the Ryder Property System

Get a Solid Foundation To Build Your Property Investment Portfolio

If you are keen to start developing a high-performing property investment portfolio… but you’re confused by the overwhelming volume of information out there and not sure who to trust  … we’ve got a program that can take you where you want to go.

The Ryder Property Investment System™ has been developed by Terry Ryder to assist fledgling investors develop a solid foundation.
It includes eight clear steps that should guide the process of property investment.

If you’re like most Australians, you’ve begun your quest to become a property investor by searching on-line for properties for sale. You’ve found your way to well-known websites like or and started trawling through copious lists of homes for sale.

And, again, if you’re like most Australians, that initial surge of excitement has been replaced with a sense of overwhelm. So many locations … so many properties … and countless different options.

At the same time, you’re probably tuning into media to find information about real estate to improve your knowledge and guide your choices. But there are so many opinions, so many pieces of information about prices and growth rates and affordability issues, so many data sets that conflict with one another. How do you make headway against such confusion?

“Most of what is disseminated in Australia about residential property is propaganda and misinformation, and this can be both confusing and misleading to a fledgling investor. The Quick Start Guide to the Ryder Property Investment System™   has been created to give you the tools to develop a successful property investment strategy, backed by the resources and analysis of Hotspotting.” – Terry Ryder

How do you whittle down those myriad options to a manageable list of possibilities?
How do you decide what kind of properties to target?
How do you distinguish a good suburb from a bad one?

It may seem impossible to even find a sensible starting point.

If you’ve experienced that struggle, here’s why…
You’ve started in the wrong place!

Over decades of investing and helping others to accumulate portfolios I’ve developed the Ryder Property Investment System™.
It includes eight clear steps that will guide you in the process of property investment.
Each step needs to be followed in order, to enhance your chances of success.
If you started your quest to become an investor by searching for properties for sale, you started at Step 7, which cannot be successfully undertaken if you haven’t, first, worked through the preceding six steps.


The Quick Start Guide to the Ryder Property Investment System will walk you through these 8 steps:

    1. Know your Investment Objectives
    2. Determine Your Risk Profile
    3. Determine Your Borrowing Capacity
    4. Choose an Investment Strategy
    5. Research Locations that Fit Your Strategy
    6. Validate Your Chosen Locations
    7. Select & Purchase
    8. Celebrate & Repeat

The Quick Start Guide comes with 8 Worksheets to get you well on your way to growing a property portfolio/

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