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Regional Victoria Remains A National Leader On Price Growth

Regional Victoria continues to be an outstanding performer on price growth, and although the sales activity data suggests that some locations have passed their peak, many locations throughout Regional Victoria stepped on to the growth path only in the past year and have plenty of uplift still to come.

One of the stand-out features of the leading growth areas is that many of them are now small country towns or coastal villages, often a considerable distance from Melbourne.

Regional Victoria Snapshot: Of 142 Locations in our Spring Survey

  • 51 Rising Markets
  • 77 Plateau Markets
  • 140 Locations with Annual Growth in Median House Prices
  • 137 Locations with Annual Growth of 5% or more
  • 48 Locations with Annual Growth of 20% or more
  • 92% of locations with unit markets have recorded annual growth in their median unit prices, most of them by more than 5%

Top 5 Vic Regional HotspotsAgainst this background, we have published our new edition of our popular report, Top 5 Regional Victoria Hotspots.

This report is essential reading for anyone planning their investment decisions for the coming year as it provides research-based evidence of the markets we expect to do well in 2022 and beyond.


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