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Exodus to Affordable Lifestyle: National Top 10

Australia has just recorded its highest population growth in 20 years.

With the nation currently experiencing its highest population growth in 20 years, it’s clear that more and more Australians are searching for a more affordable and relaxed lifestyle. This trend has been ongoing for the past decade and is only continuing to gain momentum. Western Australia and Queensland are leading the way in price growth, while cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are losing residents to smaller cities and regional areas. This Exodus to Affordable Lifestyle is being driven by the growing ability to work remotely, making it possible for people to find a different lifestyle without sacrificing their career. Our report highlights the top 10 areas in the country experiencing this population growth, including Warragul-Drouin in Victoria, Sunshine Coast in Queensland, and Geelong in Victoria. These regional cities, located within close proximity to major capital cities, allow residents to enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle at a more affordable price. Don’t miss out on this trend that is set to continue for the foreseeable future. Get your hands on our latest Hotspotting report and discover the top locations for an Exodus to Affordable Lifestyle.

About The Report:

The Exodus to Affordable Lifestyle trend is playing a major role in Australia.

People are leaving capital cities for smaller cities or regional centres, a trend which has been happening for the past decade.

The Exodus to Affordable Lifestyle: National Top 10 report, identifies the top local government areas throughout Australia which are benefitting from that trend, with the increased  emand in these locations expected to bring growth in property prices and rents.

The report details the demographics of each location, including homeownership, population growth, employment by industry and household composition and provides analysis of the economy and amenity in each location.

It profiles the property market, with detailed tables on median house and unit prices, short-term and long-term growth performance, vacancy rates, rents and yields.

It also details the future prospects of each location, where the infrastructure spending is and future jobs nodes.

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